Kick-off meeting in Rome

Kick-off meeting of the Erasmus+ BOSS project was held on October 29th, 2018 in Rome. Team members from project partner institutions University of Belgrade, University of Liège and META Group Srl have participated in the meeting.

The first part of the meeting was dedicated to welcome and introduction and short presentations of partner institutions with focus on the project’s topics.
After the welcome speech and BOSS project presentation by the project coordinator Tamara Čolić Milosavljević, each participating partner made an overview of the background, competences and references, goals and tasks of their organizations as well as expertise and experience in the field.

During the second part of the meeting, target groups, objectives, activities, deliverables and partner roles in Management and Implementation, Intellectual Output 1, Intellectual Output 2, Intellectual Output 3, Intellectual Output 4 activities were presented by the Activity Leads.

The third part of the meeting was dedicated to forming of management structures, distribution of work, discussion about Grant Agreement and Partnership Agreement. For the purpose of efficient implementation project activities four teams are formed: Project Management team (PMt), Quality Assurance team (QAt), Dissemination team (Disst) and Development team (Dt). Also, Steering Committee was established during the kick-off for the purpose of evaluation of the overall progress of the project, both the process of developing and implementing the project, and its actual impact on its intended audience.

The final part of the meeting was focused on Reporting and Action plan for the first six months of the project.